Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Sural Nerve Rehab

I had a fabulous weekend in Phoenix at the Z-Health T-Phase ™ certification and I cannot wait to attend again in April (job permitting) but there was one negative. I woke up my immobile sural nerve from its perfectly happy coma. I suspect after a number of ankle sprains and general abuse the poor little guy just decided to shut down. Now when my right knee is in extension I can barely move into dorsi-flexion before I get the “nerve zing.” I tried to do Renegade Rows this morning (in perfect form, of course, requiring ankle dosi-flexion) and the nerve was a little too threatening. I did seated rows with my 12k kettlebells instead but that is not the same. On the positive side of having this pesky little nerve wreaking havoc is I get to have an empirical case study on how to rehab the sural nerve. I did some ankle circles this morning and am easing into dorsi-flexion as the threat subsides. I am also doing opposing joint wrist circles and will probably throw in some hip and knee circles as well in different positions. I’m thinking a little mechanostim might be order as well – pedicure maybe? :-)

Sural nerve: The sural nerve (short saphenous nerve) lies with the small saphenous vein. It supplies the branches to the skin on the back of the leg and then continues as the "lateral dorsal cutaneous nerve" along the outside of the foot and little toe.