Sunday, January 3, 2010


I just finished reading Andre Agassi’s autobiography, Open and I want to share a couple of passages. As a Z-Health coach these make a lot of sense.

“If somebody can write down your routine on a piece of paper, it isn’t worthy the piece of paper it’s written on. You’re asking me to put you through a workout here that leaves no room for where you are, how you’re feeling, what you need to focus on. It doesn’t allow for change.” Page 135.

“To know what your body wants, he says, to understand what it needs and what it doesn’t, you need to be part engineer, part mathematician, part artist, part mystic.” Page 136

“It’s all about angles.” Page 137

Open is very good book and gives a lot insight into the world of professional sports that is not portrayed in the media and on the court. After reading the book I looked at videos of Andre Agassi playing some of the matches he talks about in the book and what one sees on the screen is usually very different from what Agassi writes was going on in his body and mind.


Saturday, January 2, 2010


I have been tinkering around for hours trying to get this blog on my web page.  So far it is just not happening.  Hopefully I'll get it all figured out before 2011!!

Always be moving...........